The Virtue of Selfishness 60-second Speech

Formulating a convincing argument FOR the Virtue of Selfishness in less than a minute is, perhaps, impossible.


But, I’ll give it a shot.


Start with a question: Do you want to live?

If the answer is “no”, then no particular approach to life or method is necessary.

Inaction will eventually reduce you to your material constituents.


BUT, if you want to live, then a particular method is necessary.

This is because reality is what it is, and you are what you are, as a particular living being – as a man.

You must plan long range.

You must pick particular goals to achieve the ultimate goal of living.

You must practice the virtue of rationality.


Importantly, you must decide what other men are to you.

Are you their servant?

Do you serve their needs?

OR, will you benefit from your association?

Part of recognizing reality, means recognizing that just as you want to live, so do they.

That means offering a benefit in trade for the things you want from them.

It means respecting other’s right to live.

There must be laws against the start of force that destroys values.


What of helping others? some say. What of it?

Ask yourself these questions:

Who is being helped?

How are you helping them?

Why do they need to be helped?

Is helping others the end-all, be-all, of your life?

What if I don’t want to help others?

Will you force me?

The Virtue of Selfishness doesn’t require the initiation of physical force. Does your virtue of Altruism?


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I am Dean Cook. I currently live in Dallas Texas.