What If Nicole Brown Had A “No Interracial Dating” Policy?

Interracial couples represented as many as 17.9% of substantiated events, and these couples were 1.5 times more likely to mutually assault each other than ethnic minority couples, and twice as likely as White couples to experience a mutual assault.” (Martin BA, Cui M, Ueno K, Fincham FD. Intimate Partner Violence in Interracial and Monoracial Couples. Fam Relat. 2013 Feb 1;61(1):202-211. doi: 10.1111/j.1741-3729.2012.00747.x. Epub 2013 Jan 22. PMID: 23554541; PMCID: PMC3611980.,  https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC3611980/ )

The new Netflix documentary about the Nicole Brown and Ron Goldman murders is worth a watch. It went through the investigation and trial in a way that made sense, and even made sense of the jury verdict, even if you don’t agree with it. (Which I don’t.)

I want to look at a particularly telling scene in the video. It was an interview by someone in Nicole Brown’s family. The interviewee talked about when Nicole first started dating the person that she would eventually marry, divorce, and later be murdered by. The interviewee said that Nicole told her mother over the phone that she was dating a black man, apparently checking to see if that was going to be a problem with her family. Her mother is reported to have said something to the effect of: “That’s okay.”

Her mom would clearly get the “I’m not racist” seal of approval from the majority of people living in our society since the 1960’s. (Whatever “racist” means, which I’m not sure at this point.)

A few days later, I was driving in my car, thinking about the documentary when a thought occurred to me that was completely novel. I am a product of the mainstream public education system in the United States, and I’ve lived in “respectable” middle class culture here my whole life, so I tend to have a lot of biases and unchecked premises based in that culture, even though I am well into middle age. In other words, I’m just as capable of having “blind spots” in my thinking, thanks to left-wing and egalitarian brainwashing, mostly from the public schools. Anyway, my new thought was this:

What if Nicole’s mother had responded differently when Nicole told her she was dating a black man? What if Nicole’s mom had responded more like someone from 1940’s Alabama than someone from 1980’s Los Angeles?

What if Nicole’s mom had said: “If you date a black man, you’re cut off and disowned. We’ll never speak to you again.

Her mom and dad would have been called “racist” if it got out. There’s also no guarantee Nicole would have listened to them, although it clearly mattered to her, since she “tested the waters” with her parents by letting them know in advance over the phone.

If Nicole had listened to them in this hypothetical case, she probably wouldn’t have died. (Most likely some other white woman would have died, since there are plenty today that would marry a rich, famous football player. I’ll never understand the stupid obsession with football and sports.)

I can hear it now: “There are plenty of white women that get murdered by their white husbands. You’re being ‘racist’. Blah, blah, blah.”

Those people might have a point, except there are studies showing that intimate partner violence is higher amongst interracial couples. We can opine about the causes of this. I’m sure a leftist will say it’s all a legacy of slavery, and really white people’s fault that Nicole’s ex-husband nearly cut her head off. From a personal standpoint, of who you should date, it doesn’t really matter what the reason is or whose “fault” it is that the statistics show what they show. What matters in the dating world today is that one should at least be cognizant of the statistics when thinking about dating interracially. One should at least consider the dangers.

I’m sure someone will also say: “Logical fallacy! Fallacy of division! I’m going to date them, and get to know them, and then, if it turns out that they are dangerous, I’ll just stop dating them, you racist.”

Except, at that point you’re in a relationship with that person, and when you go to break it off with them, they might view you as “theirs”, just like Nicole’s ex-husband viewed her as “his”, and he then killed her in an obsessive rage of jealousy. (Such was the motive theorized by the Netflix documentary.)

Also, keep in mind, it doesn’t matter to me what you do in the end. Virtue-signaling people who do things on the basis of being “progressive” and “open minded” deserve their leftist ideology, I think.

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I am Dean Cook. I currently live in Dallas Texas.