Stargate SG-1 Espisode: “Ascension” (Plot Spoilers)

Various episodes of “Stargate SG-1” will focus on particular characters for an episode. This episode focuses on Major Samantha Carter. She is a scientist/engineer who is somewhat of a “workaholic” with no social life. Although she and Colonel Jack O’Neil have some “sexual tension”, they cannot act on it because he is her commanding officer. Thus, she has no man in her life.
In “Ascension”, Carter encounters a mysterious man who appears to be following her. She is initially alarmed, but also intrigued by this good-looking stranger. She discovers that he is an alien who has taken human form because he has fallen in love with her. She finds herself slowly drawn to him during the episode because he is also a brilliant scientist, and her intellectual equal. (O’Neil, not so much.)
The military then finds out about him and is trying to capture him. Unbeknownst to any of them, he has been ordering things online on Samantha’s computer, and building something in her basement. When the military sends a special forces team to her house to capture him and extract his knowledge for use by the Pentagon, for possibly nefarious purposes, Samantha discovers that he has built a small Stargate in her basement. He uses it with Samantha to escape back to his home world to stop the military from stealing a weapon he mistakenly built a long time ago.
I thought this was a great episode. Very exciting. I also thought whoever wrote it had definitely read “Atlas Shrugged” recently, and possibly seen the movie “City of Angels“.

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I am Dean Cook. I currently live in Dallas Texas.